About Vellum Information

About Vellum Information

The focus of Vellum Information is connecting with others in order to achieve and create. The fundamental belief is that the innate human momentum is often far greater than what is obvious. This is the philosophy that we bring into your work.

Computer science is really an art. They do not teach that in school, but the truth of it is that computers have a common language, and there are infinite dialects of it spoken around the world.

Current projects include:

Heath information technology and public health matters (and how the two meet).

Information visualization and beautiful data. Data can and should be straightforward and appealing. The era of static tables and charts is past.

Database development, web and application deployment and design – expert system design, case-based reasoning systems, AI applications.

Data/web mining and analysis, text mining, and content analysis.

Publishing several reports, card and mobile phone games, academic presentations and publications. Look for us on Amazon, the Apple Store, and Google Play.


  • Information visualization
  • Health information technology
  • Data mining and analysis
  • Information systems

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